"I'll admit it. I had no idea that I would receive a vision that would provide an understanding of the burden
and responsibility of communicating ideas of what a positive place the world can be."
The Model Story
A graduate from the University of Miami, bachelor degree/double major in speech communication and social science,
ex-Hurricane basketball star Joseph Renwick Randon has formed a team called Sound & Water. "I had the opportunity to meet the founder of Save The Earth, Mr. Neal Pargman, for lunch at the CBS food court in September 1992. As the messenger, Mr. Pargman began to discuss the purpose of Save The Earth Foundation and describe the function of the Logo. Like any other ambitious 22 year-old, I began to ramble about the limitless possibilities. Mr. Pargman listened with quiet interest. Little did I know, he had been on the mission to save the earth for 20 years. Excited about the goals of Save The Earth, I said to my self that if I were ever going to be a part of something positive, saving the earth would be it.
I began by wearing T-shirts and caps carrying the Save The Earth logo and sharing the message became second nature. I gave Robert Bailey, a defensive back for the Los Angles Rams, a Save The Earth T-shirt and cap to take on the road game when they played the 49ers. That weekend, he made a spectacular interception against legendary receiver Jerry Rice.
Promoting Save The Earth on a grass roots level. Sharing the message while passing out flyers for the Good Earth restaurant. I introduced Sonja Wiley, a Japanese translator for Stevie Wonder and Danny Glover, to Save theEarth, and it lead to Save The the Earth going to Japan.
Networking Inspiration .... Began my journey....
In 1995, I decided to move, to Boston, Massachusetts,
where I developed Save The Earth Sports. Designed to auction off sports memorabilia on the internet and benefiting environmental Research.
February 14, 1998 mark the official birthdate when for Sound & Water Company was created www.soundwater.com . Created as a licensing agent for Save The Earth Co. /
foundation. The initial idea was to involve all mankind with the message.
I related the structure base for the Sound & Water Team ie www.soundwater.com to my first love
the game of basketball.
That made sense to methe ball is our earth, and we must get a handle on it and a course score positively for the environment.
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of any copyright-protected material. This website has been socially engineered as a public benefit system.
Joseph Renwick Randon Brand Promoter.